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RPC Response

The RPC response object is passed to the callback registered with client.rpc.provide(). It allows RPC providers to decide how to react to an incoming request.


response.send( data )​

dataMixedfalseAny serializable response data

Succesfully complete a remote procedure call and send data back to the requesting client.

data can be any kind of serializable data, e.g., Objects, Numbers, Booleans, or Strings.

If autoAck is disabled and the response is sent before the ack message arrives, then the request will still be completed and the ack message will be ignored.

client.rpc.provide( 'add-two-numbers', (data, response) => {
response.send( data.numA + data.numB )

That data that will be sent with the RPC is limited in size by the maxMessageSize config option for the given server connection endpoint


Rejects the request. Rejections are not errors but merely a means of saying "I'm busy at the moment, try another client". Upon receiving a rejection, deepstream will try to re-route the request to another provider for the same RPC. If there are no more providers left to try, deepstream will send a NO_RPC_PROVIDER error to the client.

client.rpc.provide('add-two-numbers', (data, response) => {
//reject the response so that it gets
//re-routed to another provider

error( errorMsg )​

errorMsgVariantfalseA result object that will be passed as an error to the RPC requester.

Send an error to the client. errorMsg will be received as the first argument to the callback registered with client.rpc.make(). This will complete the RPC.

client.rpc.provide( 'count-vote', (data, response) => {
if( hasAlreadyVoted(data.user) ) {
response.error( 'You can only vote once')


Explicitly acknowledges the receipt of a request.

This is usually done automatically but can also be performed explicitly by setting response.autoAck = false and calling ack() later. This is useful when a client needs to perform an asynchronous operation to determine if it will accept or reject the request.


Requests count as completed once send() or error() was called. Calling ack() after that won't do anything.

client.rpc.provide('support/billing', (data, response) => {
// Turn of automatic acknowledgements. This needs to happen synchronously
response.autoAck = false

// Acknowledge the request yourself at a later point
hasCapacities().then(() => {