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Events are deepstream's implementation of the publish/subscribe pattern. You can find more about how they are used in the events tutorial.


client.event.subscribe( event, callback )​

eventStringfalseAn eventname
callbackFunctionfalseA function that will be called whenever the event is emitted

Subscribes to an event. Callback will receive the data passed to emit()

// Client A
client.event.subscribe('news/sports', data => {
// handle published data

// Client B
client.event.emit('news/sports', /* data */)

client.event.unsubscribe( event, callback )​

eventStringfalseAn eventname
callbackFunctiontrueThe callback that was previously registered with subscribe. If the callback is omitted, all listeners for the event will be removed

Unsubscribes from an event that was previously registered with subscribe(). This stops a client from receiving the event.

// Client A
client.event.unsubscribe('news/politics', callback)

client.event.emit( event, data )​

eventStringfalseAn eventname
dataMixedtrueAny serialisable data ( Objects, Strings, Numbers... ) that will be sent with the event

Sends the event to all subscribed clients

// Client B
client.event.emit('notifications', 'Maria just came online')

client.event.listen( pattern, callback )​

patternString (regex)falseThe pattern to match events which subscription status you want to be informed of
callbackFunctionfalseA function that will be called whenever an event matching the pattern has been initially subscribed to. When there are no more subscriptions to any events matching pattern, the callback passed to response.onStop() is called. Arguments are (String) match, and response (Object)

Registers the client as a listener for event subscriptions made by other clients. This is useful to create active data providers - processes that only send events if clients are actually interested in them. You can find more about listening in the events tutorial.

The callback is invoked with two arguments:

  • match: the name of the event that has been matched against the provided pattern
  • response: contains two functions (accept and reject), one of them needs to be called
client.event.listen('^news/.*', (match, response) => {
// see tutorial for more details

client.event.unlisten( pattern )​

patternString (regex)falsehe previously registered pattern

This removes a previously registered listening pattern and the user will no longer be listening for active/inactive subscriptions.
