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double-ended queue

Dq's are a new implementation of lists that favour network efficiency over record size. They are presented at the client level just like a list, an array of record names, but have a different API for data handling that uses a fraction of message size to propagate changes, unlike lists that require for every change to resend the complete list over the wire. The caveat is the record can be up to 1.9x the size of a list, but propagating changes has a message size of ~100 bytes (depending on the actual data that is being added/removed from the dq).

Creating Dqs​

Double ended queues are created and retrieved using client.record.getDq( 'name' );

const dq = client.record.getDq( 'cars' );


nameStringThe name of the Dq, as specified when calling client.record.getDq( 'name' );
isReadyBooleanTrue once the Dq has received its current data and emitted the 'ready' event



Emitted whenever a new entry is added to the Dq. Passes the entry and its position within the Dq to the callback.


Emitted whenever an entry is moved within the Dq. Passes the entry and its new position within the Dq to the callback.


Emitted whenever an entry is removed from the Dq. Passes the entry and its last position within the Dq to the callback.


Emitted when the Dq was deleted, whether by this client or by another.


Emitted once the Dq was discarded.


Emitted if the Dq encounters an error. The error message is passed to the event callback.


whenReady( callback? | Promise )​

callbackFunctiontrueA function that will be invoked as soon as the Dq is ready. Receives the Dq as an argument

Invokes callback once the Dq has been loaded. This might happen synchronously if the Dq is already available or asynchronously if the Dq still needs to be retrieved. Some methods, e.g. addEntry() or setEntries() or subscribe() can be used before the Dq is ready.

// Callback
dq.whenReady( ( dq ) => {
// interact with the dq

// ES6
await dq.whenReady()


Returns false if the Dq has entries or true if it doesn't.

if( dq.isEmpty() ) {
// You don't have any entries


Returns an array of the current entries in the Dq.

const entries = dq.getEntries()
console.log( entries ) // [ 'car/1', 'car2' ]

setEntries( entries, callback? )​

entriesArrayfalseAn array of record name strings
callbackFunctiontrueWill be called with the result of the write when using record write acknowledgements

Sets the contents of the Dq to the provided array of record names. To add or remove specific entries see further methods.

dq.setEntries( [ 'car/1', 'car/2' ] );

setEntriesWithAck( entries)​

Same as setEntries but returns a promise that fulfills when writing to cache or storage is completed.


Get last entry



Get first entry



Remove first value from dq and return it



Remove last value from dq and return it



Add value at first position



Add value at last position


insertEntry( entry, index)​

entryStringfalseA record name that should be inserted to the dq
indexNumberfalseIndex that the new entry should be inserted at

Adds a new record name to the Dq at an intermediate position

function addCarAt2( number ) {
const id = 'car/' + client.getUid();
client.record.getRecord( id ).set( 'number', number );
dq.insertEntry( id, 2 );

removeEntry( entry, index?)​

entryStringfalseA record name that should be removed to the dq
indexNumbertrueAn optional index that the entry should be removed from at. If ommited, the first entry of the given name will be removed.

Removes an entry from the dq. removeEntry will throw an error if the entry doesn't exist.

function removeCar( carRecord ) {
dq.removeEntry( );

subscribe( position?, callback, triggerNow )​

positionStringtrueOption to subscribe to changes to the first or last element of the dq
callbackFunctionfalseA callback function that will be called whenever the content of the dq, or the `first
triggerNowBooleantrueIf true, the callback function will be called immediately with the current value

Registers a function that will be invoked whenever any changes to the dq's contents occur. You can pass the position: first|last as first argument to be informed of changes made only to the first|last element. Optionally you can also pass true to execute the callback function straight away with the dq's current entries.

function dqChanged( entries ) {
// entries in dq has changed
dq.subscribe( dqChanged, false );
function firstChanged( firstElement ) {
// first element has changed
dq.subscribe( 'first', firstChanged, true );

unsubscribe( position?, callback )​

positionStringtrueThe previously registered option if you wish to unsubscribe only that case
callbackFunctiontrueThe previously registered callback function. If ommited, all listeners will be unsubscribed.

Removes a subscription that was previously made using dq.subscribe(). If the position is specified, only the subscription to the position changes will be removed.

Please Note: unsubscribe is purely a client side operation. To notify the server that the app no longer requires updates for this dq use discard().

dq.unsubscribe( dqChanged );


Removes all change listeners and notifies the server that the client is no longer interested in updates for this dq.


It is important to make sure that discard() is called for any dq that's no longer needed. If you only remove the listeners using unsubscribe() the server won't be notified and will continue to send updates to the client.

delete(callback? | Promise)​

callbackFunctiontrueA function that will be invoked as soon as the dq is deleted

Deletes the dq on the server. This action deletes the dq for all users from both cache and storage and is irreversible.

// ES6
await dq.delete();