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Installing on Linux

Download the latest server artifact and unzip it.

Starting deepstream​

You can start the server by simply running it on the command line


Learn more about deepstream's command line interface and its configuration file.

A few hints​

deepstream binary comes pre-installed with the following connectors:

  • cache redis
  • cache memcached
  • clusternode redis
  • storage rethinkdb
  • storage postgres
  • storage mongodb
  • storage elasticsearch
  • logger winston

deepstream's configuration file can be written in both YAML or JSON. deepstream will automatically choose the right parser, based on the file-extension.

Some core configuration options can be overridden via commandline parameters, e.g. --host, --port or --disable-auth. For a full list, just run deepstream start --help

The configuration file contains relative paths, e.g. for ./permissions.yml or users.yml. If you run the file from another location, make sure to update them. The paths are relative to the directory the main config file resides in.

Install as a service​

As of 2.4, deepstream comes with ability to automatically setup and run as a service on machines supporting init.d or systemd.

Installing the service is as simple as

sudo deepstream service add

Which then allows you to start it using the normal service command

sudo service deepstream start

or through an alias directly via deepstream

sudo deepstream service start

For those looking to register multiple services (to run multiple deepstreams on one machine) you can do so by specifying the name and providing unique config files

sudo deepstream service add --service-name deepstream-6020 -c ~/path1/to/config
sudo deepstream service add --service-name deepstream-6030 -c ~/path2/to/config

Avoiding Sudo​

If you want to make sure the service configuration is set correctly, or if you feel uncomfortable running something under sudo, you can run add with the --dry-run option to print the service script out for inspection and manual installation.

deepstream service add --dry-run