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RPCs (Remote Procedure Calls, sometimes also referred to as Remote Method Invocation) is deepstream's implementation of request-response workflows.


client.rpc.provide( name, callback, requestorDetails )​

nameStringfalseThe name of the RPC. Each client can only register as a provider for an RPC name once.
callbackFunctionfalseA function that handles incoming RPCs. Will be called with data and an RPC response object.
requestorDetailsobjecttrueObject containing requestorDetails if enabled in server configuration.

Registers the client as a provider for incoming RPCs of a specific name. The callback will be invoked when another client calls client.rpc.make().

client.rpc.provide( 'add-two-numbers', function( data, response ){
response.send( data.numA + data.numB );
  • Only one callback per client can be registered for the same RPC
  • Data can be any serializable object
  • Documentation for the response object can be found here


Starting deepstream client v6.0.2 a third argument will be passed along the provider callback containing the requestor data object: { requestorName? : string, requestorData?: object } if the feauture is enabled on the deepstream server config options

client.rpc.provide( 'add-two-numbers', function( data, response, requestorDetails ){
// retrieve requestor userId
const userId = requestorDetails.requestorName
// retrieve requestor client data
const clientData = requestorDetails.requestorData
// Example: this instance will respond only to requestors whose clientData has the cool property
if (clientData && {
response.send( data.numA + data.numB );
} else {

client.rpc.unprovide( name )​

nameStringfalseThe name of the RPC.

Removes the client as a provider previously registered using provide().

client.rpc.unprovide( 'add-two-numbers' );

client.rpc.make( name, data, callback )​

nameStringfalseThe name of the RPC.
dataMixedfalseAny serialisable data ( Objects, Strings, Numbers... ) that will be send with the RPC.
callbackFunctiontrueA callback with either an error response or the result payload

Executes a remote procedure call. callback will be invoked with the returned result or with an error if the RPC failed.

// Callback
client.rpc.make( 'add-two-numbers', { numA:4, numB: 7 }, (error, result) => {
// error = null, result = 11

// ES6
const result = await client.rpc.make('add-two-numbers', { numA: 4, numB: 7})

That data that will be sent with the RPC is limited in size by the maxMessageSize config option for the given server connection endpoint