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Node API

API docs for using deepstream within your own node application


Instantiate a new deepstream server instance. You can pass an optional object which contains the configuration or a filePath to the configuration file. Missing options will be merged with default values.

If you omit the argument, deepstream will use default values. Read more about the configuration and default values.

optionsObject orΒ stringtrueEither the configuration object or a filepath to the configuration file
const { Deepstream } = require('@deepstream/server')
const server = new Deepstream({})

calling server = new Deepstream({}) only creates the instance, to actually start the server, you still need to call server.start()



Emitted once deepstream.start() has been called and the startup procedure has completed successfully.


Emitted once deepstream.stop() has been called and the server has been completely shut down.


Stopping the server does not imply exiting the Node.js process. To do so, the following code can be used:

server.on('stopped', () => process.exit(0))


Emitted for each state transition, useful for debuging purposes.



Starts the server.


Stops the server. Once the server is stopped, it can not be started again using the same instance of the server.


Returns true if the deepstream server is running, otherwise false.


Return all running services


Returns server configuration options

set(key, value)​

This method allows you to overwrite particular configuration options which were built via the configuration initialization step.


If deepstream is initialized with a configuration object, set() will override the keys in your initial configuration. This is useful for passing in objects which are shared between deepstream and the rest of your application, such as a cache connector. You can override any of the options using the same name within your configuration, except for the notable difference(s) below.

keyStringfalseThe configuration option that should be set
valueJSONValuefalseThe value that should be used
Differences when using set(key, value)​

These options might have a different name and location in the structure of the configuration object. If you use set() you also need to provide the instantiated instance as the value.

  • authentication
  • permission
  • logger
  • cache
  • storage

Make sure you run server.start() after you set all your options.

Some examples of overriding plugins are initialization:

* An object that exposes an isValidUser function.
server.set('authentication', new OAuthHandler({
options: ''
}, server.getServices()))

* An object that that exposes a canPerformAction function.
server.set('permission', new LdapPermissionHandler({

}, server.getServices()))

* A logger
server.set('logger', new FileLogger({

}, server.getServices()))